Pardon in Felony Marijuana Delivery Case

Like many Penn State students, Client made some bad decisions as a young adult, including the sale of marijuana on a few occasions.  Client pleaded guilty and was sentenced to probation.  Client graduated and moved on to have a very successful career and life.  Client owned his own business. Client was a married father.  Almost no one knew about his past.  He was able to put it behind him.  However, post-Sandusky, background checks became more prevalent.  Client was concerned that his past would prevent him from continuing to volunteer at organizations involving children because of his very old criminal record, and Client was always afraid to leave the country on vacation with his wife because he was concerned that he would not be permitted into the other country because of his record.

Client contacted experienced Pennsylvania pardon attorney Jason S. Dunkle.  Attorney Dunkle worked with Client to prepare the Personal Statement for the Application, and additional documents like letters of recommendation and professional awards were collected to include with the Application.  The Application was submitted under the marijuana fast-track program, so the Application’s consideration was expedited.

The board approved of the initial submission and scheduled the matter for a hearing.  Before the hearing was held, Client and Attorney Dunkle were notified that they did not need to attend the hearing because the 5-member panel had already agreed to recommend the pardon without the need for a hearing. The board recommended the pardon to the Governor.  Months later, Client received paperwork signed by the Governor of Pennsylvania that granted his pardon request.

Attorney Dunkle then filed paperwork to start the Pennsylvania expungement process to have all of the records in the criminal court destroyed.